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Remote Controller for TP-8500 Massage Chair

Remote Controller for TP-8500 Massage Chair

Regular price $150.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $150.00 USD
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⚠ No Return Disclaimer

This remote is not returnable under any circumstances. Please DO NOT buy it for testing purpose. 

Please read the product description thoroughly and verify the compatibility carefully.

This remote control is compatible with TP-8500  Massage Chair. If the model number of your massage chair is TP-8500, this remote controller will fit your chair seamlessly.


  • This remote is not returnable under any circumstances, if you are only buying it for testing purpose, please do not buy it.
  • This remote control can only be compatible with the TP-8500 massage chair. If the model number of your massage chair is different, it will not work on your chair, please do not purchase it.
  • There are so many factors that can cause a massage chair to malfunction. For example: remote controller, fuse, circuit board, transformer, sensors, cables, etc. If the problem is not caused by the remote control, replacing the remote control will not solve the problem (and this doesn’t mean the remote control is defective).  We strongly recommend having a professional technician to do a trouble shooting for you before purchasing the remote controller.

Not the part you are looking for? If you cannot find the part you need on our website, please fill out the form below.We will get back to you with a quotation within 1-2 business days.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
William Miracle
Refused return of new, unopened purchase

Purchased this item by mistake and requested a refund within the policy time frame. Items were new, unused and still in the factory plastic. The company website lists this as an acceptable return request, but they refused for this specific item for some reason.

I've included some screenshots of the website policy and the emails shared between myself and their point of contact in this review.

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