Kaidi KDPT007-02 linear actuator motor assembly
We can provide the Genuine KDPT007-02 linear actuator motor, it is manufactured by Changzhou Kaidi Electrical Inc, and it is used in power recliners/lift chairs mainly.
If your actuator's model number is KDPT007-02, you can use this one to replace it. It will fit your chair perfectly.
The KDPT007 series has more than 400 Sub-models, we can provide any of them. The KDPT007-02 is one of these sub-models. If you decided to order, please click the "Add to cart" button below to order it.
Please note:
This link is for the whole KDPT007 series, you need to tell us the exact model number (KDPT007-02 in this case) of your motor, so that we know which one to ship.
You can share it with us by email or text message.
- Email: support@outlook.com
- Tex message: +86 138 0224 7190